The City of Neodesha offers a wide variety of amenities and services. Please use this handy guide to learn more about all that’s available in Neodesha.
Food Pantry
Our local food pantry distributes food to Neodesha residents. Donations are gratefully accepted.
Wilson Medical Center, a county, not-for-profit, critical access hospital is committed to providing quality healthcare to the communities it serves.
The Wilson County Transfer Station and Landfill serves the City of Neodesha's residents.
Many local churches offer services and worship opportunities in Neodesha and the surrounding communities.
Our local schools are part of USD 461 and are ranked among the best in the United States.
Senior Citizens Center
Our Senior Citizens Center is open to anyone wishing to visit. There is something for Seniors of all ages to do.
Business Listings
Search businesses operating in Neodesha.
Neodesha Housing Authority
Neodesha Housing Authority Neodesha Housing Authority offers income based housing for low-income families and individuals. Address: 118 South 6th Street, Neodesha, Ks 66757 Mailing Address: PO Box 185, Neodesha, Ks 66757 Phone Number: 1-620-325-2440 Fax Number: 1-620-325-2468 Executive Director: Heather Cummins
Brush Dump
The Neodesha Brush Dump accepts limbs and brush. No other dumping is allowed.
We encourage residents to recycle to help make our city, and the world, a better place. Learn more about our recycling program.
Street Maintenance
The Streets Department has the responsibility for ensuring the safety and maintaining the condition of all public streets, alleys, and rights of ways.
Civic Center Rental
The Civic Center is available for rent on a first come, first served basis. Download a rental agreement here.
Whether you need voter registration information or are interested in running for office, learn more about Neodesha elections.