Types of Payment

We accept cash, check, money orders, cashier's checks, Mastercard, and Visa.

Please call (620) 325-2828 to verify if your citation can be paid without a court appearance. We accept credit card payments over the phone.

Due Dates 

Fines are due in full on the day of sentencing. Payments must be received on or before the due date.

If you do not pay your fine according to your payment schedule, your account will be turned over to collections.

What to Bring to Court

Before you come to court, here are the things you should bring with you:

  • Proper identification (driver's license, Kansas ID, passport)
  • Your copy of the citation
  • Appearance letter and/or court documents
  • Any receipts regarding your case (i.e., bond receipts, cash bail receipts, etc.)
  • Any documents which prove compliance with the judge's orders and/or sentencing
  • Method of payment (money, credit card, checkbook, debit card)
  • Do not use nicknames or an alias. Use the same spelling as listed on documents related to the case and ensure spelling on the documents is correct. If they are not, please advise the court
  • Provide the court with your current address
  • Appropriate dress is required. No obscene slogans on clothing or hats.  Cell phones should be silenced during court. Shirt and shoes are required 


If you fail to appear in court as ordered, the court will issue a warrant for your arrest and you can be jailed and/or fined. For more information, comments, or questions contact us at (620) 325-2828.


A subpoena is a court order that requires a person to appear in court to give testimony or to present documents and related articles to be produced as evidence at a hearing. A process server or officer will serve a witness personally with a subpoena. The City Attorney may also ask a witness to appear voluntarily without serving a subpoena.

If you have received a subpoena, follow the instructions on it. Failing to follow a subpoena is considered contempt of court and a warrant may be issued for your arrest.


If you fail to appear on your court date or comply with the court's orders, the municipal court judge can issue a warrant for your arrest. If you are stopped by an officer for any reason, the officer will arrest you and take you into custody.

For more information, comments, or questions contact us at (620) 325-2828.

Conditional Use requests are those zoning "exceptions" to the zoning code that are deemed to be temporary. Examples would be allowing a short term business in a residential property; allowing a mobile home to be placed in an R-1 Residential zone; etc.

Residents complete the Conditional Use Application and submit it to the Planning and Zoning Commission. A Public Hearing is scheduled and residents within 200 feet of the property are invited to attend and make comments.

At the conclusion of the Public Hearing, the Board of Zoning Appeals has two options. They can either recommend approval, or recommend denial, to the City Commission. The City Commission will then consider the recommendation at their meeting and make a decision for or against the application.

Download Conditional Use Application

The Board of Zoning Appeals reviews all requests for Zoning Variances. A Public Hearing is held to discuss the request and to garner information. Residents within a 200 foot radius are notified of the Public Hearing and invited to attend to express their point of views.

Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board can either approve the request, deny the request, or table it for additional review.

Download Variance Application

Download the zoning map to see what areas are zoned for residential, industrial and other purposes.

Download Zoning Map

To request rezoning of an area, fill out the Zone Change Application form and submit it to the City Clerk's office.

A Public Hearing must be scheduled and all owners of property within 200 feet of the property in question must be notified of the hearing. The hearing cannot take place until 20 days after publication. After the conclusion of the Public Hearing, fourteen days must elapse before the application may be placed before the Neodesha City Commission. This is the time allowed for the filing of a protest petition. If the Neodesha City Commission disagrees with the recommendation made by the Planning Commission, the application must then go again before the Planning Commission for further study and review. If the application is approved by the Commission, an ordinance is passed to rezone the property. Please note, however, that this process is not complete until the ordinance has been officially published.

Download Zone Change Application

Every owner or operator of a home-based business must secure a home occupation permit from the city administrator or his or her designee, which permit shall be issued on a yearly basis, with each permit expiring on December 31 of each year.

Download Home-Based Business Application

The following information is being provided to help you understand the abbreviations of utility services which you receive monthly from the City of Neodesha. Based on your utility usage, your bill may not contain each example.

These are the abbreviations that may show on all customers:

  • GS - Gas
  • FA - Fuel Adjustment (same abbreviation for both gas and electric)
  • WA - Water
  • EL - Electric
  • SC - Sewer Charge
  • SW - Solid Waste (trash)
  • ST - Storm Water
  • WP - Water Protection Fee
  • HL - Highlighter
  • TX - Sales Tax

In addition to the above, these will show on large volume gas and electric customers only:

  • EM - Electric Meter Charge
  • GL - Gas Large Volume Customer Charge
  • GM - Gas Meter Charge

It’s pronounced “Knee-oh-duh-SHAY.” It comes from an Osage word that refers to our location between the Verdigris and Fall rivers.

We accept cash, check, money orders, cashier's checks, Mastercard, and Visa.

Payments must be received on or before the due date. Fines are due in full on the day of sentencing. 

Please call (620) 325-2828 to verify if your citation can be paid without a court appearance.
We accept credit card payments over the phone.

If you do not pay your fine according to your payment schedule, your account will be turned over to collections.