How do I request a change in my zoning area?
To request rezoning of an area, fill out the Zone Change Application form and submit it to the City Clerk's office.
A Public Hearing must be scheduled and all owners of property within 200 feet of the property in question must be notified of the hearing. The hearing cannot take place until 20 days after publication. After the conclusion of the Public Hearing, fourteen days must elapse before the application may be placed before the Neodesha City Commission. This is the time allowed for the filing of a protest petition. If the Neodesha City Commission disagrees with the recommendation made by the Planning Commission, the application must then go again before the Planning Commission for further study and review. If the application is approved by the Commission, an ordinance is passed to rezone the property. Please note, however, that this process is not complete until the ordinance has been officially published.