
How do I prepare for court?


What to Bring to Court

Before you come to court, here are the things you should bring with you:

  • Proper identification (driver's license, Kansas ID, passport)
  • Your copy of the citation
  • Appearance letter and/or court documents
  • Any receipts regarding your case (i.e., bond receipts, cash bail receipts, etc.)
  • Any documents which prove compliance with the judge's orders and/or sentencing
  • Method of payment (money, credit card, checkbook, debit card)
  • Do not use nicknames or an alias. Use the same spelling as listed on documents related to the case and ensure spelling on the documents is correct. If they are not, please advise the court
  • Provide the court with your current address
  • Appropriate dress is required. No obscene slogans on clothing or hats.  Cell phones should be silenced during court. Shirt and shoes are required 


If you fail to appear in court as ordered, the court will issue a warrant for your arrest and you can be jailed and/or fined. For more information, comments, or questions contact us at (620) 325-2828.